Beirut and Near Estern Cities|| Ideas | Architectural Proposals | Visual Arts & Design |  Image,  Sound & Multimedia | Museums & Collections, Art Centers & Exhibitions | Art & Culture: Institutions & Data Bases | Connexions | Art Schools around the World|| suggest a site||
Beirut and Near Eastern Cities
Institut du Monde Arabe Paris | Al Mashriq data base on Lebanon and the Levant || Artemed association for cultural exchange | Babelmed the mediterranean culture site | Institut du Monde Arabe Paris|| dialogue with the Islamic World (english-german)||
Lebanese daily newspapers: An Nahar (arabic) | L'Orient le Jour (french) |  The Daily Star (english) | Association Libanaise pour le Developpement du Mecenat Culturel | Egyptian newspaper: Al Alhram Weekly||
Baron & Baron guides for Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE onand Lebanon including a repertory of links to sites and blogs related to The July War, 2006|| TV5 cities of the world AlgiersBamako, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, Sanaa and Tunis|The Cedarjet Pages, Lebanon through its flagship airline history, MEA||, a comprehensive site on the lebanese diva|| Voyage en Orient, photographies: 1840-1880|| The Noble Sanctuary guide to Al-Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem|| Birzeit University||
Atopia polygonic e-zine dedicated to philosophy, arts, architecture & politics | CTheory international journal of theory, technology and culture | Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, always updated but impossibly complete | Postmodern Culture journal of interdisciplinary thought on contemporary cultures||||
the Presidential Lectures at Stanford present post-modern personalities including Christo and Jeanne Claude, Eisenman and Derrida| social theory for fans of popular culture||
Monographic Portals: Baudrillard on the Web links to works in english and french from and on Jean Baudrillard | the Web Deleuze the courses given every tuesday morning from 1971 to 1987 by Gilles Deleuze at  Paris VIII Vincennes and Saint Denis Universities | articles by and on Edward Said are available at the Edward Said Archive|| Resources: Michel Foucault |
"The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction", a classic by Walter Benjamin |
Architectural Proposals
 Arc en rêve centre d'architecture | Archilab | Architecture Magazine | LAB [au] architecture and urbanism | Copenahgen Substitute by Dellbrugge & De Moll |  Multiplicity by Stefano Boeri & USE - Uncertain States of Europe||
Mies in Berlin / Mies in America|| Alvaro Siza sketches | Dominique Perrault mesh...merizing | Coop Himmelb(l)au  official site | Lebbeus Woods site (spanish)|| Lebbeus Woods: The Dreaming Satellite|| Zaha m. Hadid and her 'unpredictable' buildings for contemporary art museums|
talks with Rem Koolhaas: "An Interview with Rem Koolhaas", by Tom Fecht for Kunstforum International (June 1997) at Documenta X in Kassel | "A Conversation with Rem Koolhaas", Arie Graafland and Jasper de Haan, in The Critical Landscape, 1997  | 
LAVA an "architecture lab", featuring projects and contributions such as Joseph Pesch's "Frank Gehry's "Ginger and Fred" in Prague Playfully Postmodern or Seriously Post Apocalyptic?" | "The Fall and Rise of Austrian Architecture: The Redemptive Strategies of Coop Himmelblau and Hans Hollein", Noah Chasin, Part 3|| "Presence and Form in the Architecture of Cyberspace", Børre Ludvigsen|| "Archigram: designs on the future. (exhibit 'Archigram: Experimental Architecture 1961-74'), Joel Sanders, Artforum, Oct, 1998|| "Archigram: Welcome to New York", William Menking, Part 3||
Matthew Fuller's "Visceral Facades: taking Matta-Clark's crowbar to software"  explores Gordon Matta-Clark's work||
Also on the thresholds of architecture,  Refresh by Diller + Scofidio|
CTRL [SPACE] Rhetorics of surveillance from Bentham to Big Brother|
Visual Arts & Design
Artcyclopedia the fine art search engine | Web Gallery of Art |Artforum | Art Press | @rt Outsiders | Art Sophia portal of art in the french riviera | Century City: Art and Culture in the Modern Metropolis | C3 Center for Culture and Communication | Designboomeye the international review of graphic design | Metropolis Magazine | | Rhizome | The Art Newspaper | Universes in Universe - Worlds of Art  Visual arts of Africa, Asia, Latin America | Vitra |
Art Minimal & Conceptual Only, pages on Antonin Artaud, Joseph Beuys, Louise Bourgeois, Marcel Duchamp  and others | Henri Michaux et les nummulites, "the most improbable site on Michaux" | TOUT-FAIT The Marcel Duchamp Studies Online Journal | Zumba e-zine for Piero della Francesca and Early Netherlandish painters||
Exposition virtuelle pour un musée imaginaire: Hommage à Andre Malraux, introduction aux voix du silence|Orazio and Artemisia Gentileschi: Father and Daughter Painters in Baroque Italy | Images of Medieval Art and Architecture |
Anselm Kiefer, the seven heavenly places 1973-2001|| Anselm Kiefer, Works on paper 1969-1993|| Joseph Beuys: MULTIPLES|| Joseph Beuys: 7000 oaks|| Social Sculpture, a project with Joseph Beuys|| Eva Hesse online|| Bill Viola exhibit and films at SFMOMA|| Bill Viola selected works 1972-1996|| Robert Smithson works, films and essays|| Mark Rothko NGA | | fLuXuS deBriS! @ Art / not Art |
Zero to Infiny: Arte Povera 1962-1972|| Piero Manzoni Archive | Andy Warhol  Warholstars | Sperone Westwater: essays for Piero Manzoni, Alighiero Boetti, Mario Merz, Andy Warhol, Wolfgang Laib | Matthew Barney - The Cremaster Cycle|| Cindy Sherman biography + projects||
Shirin Neshat photo essay|| "Shirin Neshat: Islamic Counterpart", Amei Wallach, Art in America, Oct 2001|| "Visceral geometry: works of Mona Hatoum", Paula Harper, Art in America sept 1998||
dblu . city works | These Days Lebanon since 12-07-06 111101 - Memory & Creation The Lebanese Memory: Artworks & References | The Atlas Group Walid Raad's imaginary foundation to research and document the contemporary history of Lebanon|| Missing Lebanese Wars Walid Raad|| Incurious Seekers Tony Chakar artist, architect & writer||
Multimedia, Image, Scene & Sound
U B U W E B | INA Institut National de l'Audiovisuel | Film-Philosophy: a journal and discussion salon promoting a philosophical review of cinema + portal to the best new writings and other links | Ecran Noir french movie webzine includes Jean-Luc Godard special | Mirage Illimité produces films including Renzo Piano, architecte au long cours and Conical Intersect by Gordon Matta-Clark | V2 Organization Institute for the Unstable Media|| Ljubljana digital media lab|| VDB - Video Data Bank|| Sarai space for research, practice and conversation about contemporary media and urban constellations||
Robert Wilson official site|| Peter Greenaway artworks, calendar and resources|| One Dozen Ecomomical Stories by Peter Greenaway|| Indeterminacy new aspect of form in John Cage's music||
Les Inrocks|||Ircam Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique / Musique site with many records and texts including: "Installations sonores?" Peter Szendy, Résonance 12, September 1997|||"InterVUE avec Peter Greenaway", Peter Szendy, Résonance 12, September 1997 | "Entretien avec Robert Wilson", Résonance 11,January 1997 | "Entretien avec Karlheinz Stockhausen", Cécile Gilly, Résonance  13, March 1998 | John Cage: Biographie||
Museums, Collections, Art Centers & Exhibitions
World Museums in the Virtual Library of Museums | Museums in Latin America in ILAM: Instituto Latinoamericano de Museos |
Arken Copenhagen | Art Gallery of New South Wales Sydney | Berardo Museum of Modern Art Sintra | Calcografía Nacional - Real Academia de Bellas Artes Madrid | Centre Pompidou Paris | Chinati Foundation  Marfa | Dia:Beacon | Fondation Arabe pour l'Image  Beirut | Fondation Beyeler  Basel | Hamburg Kunsthalle | Istanbul Modern Museum of Modern Art | Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art Helsinki | Kimbell Art Museum Fort Worth | Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna | Museum of Fine Arts Boston | MAC's Musée des Arts Contemporains Grand Hornu | Maison Européenne de la Photographie Paris | MAK Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art Vienna | MALBA - Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires | Metropolitan Museum of Art New York | Musée du Louvre Paris | Museumsquartier Vienna | Museum of Modern Art New York | National Gallery London | National Gallery of Art Washington | National Gallery of Australia Melbourne| National Museum Beirut | Pinakotheken im Kunstareal Munich | Rooseum Malmö | The Saatchi Gallery London | Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz | The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg | Tate Gallery London | Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art Walker Art Center Minneapolis |
Baltic Mill Gateshead|| De Pont Foundation for Contemporary Art Tilburg | Dia:Chelsea New York | Generali Foundation  Vienna | Les Abattoirs Toulouse | FRAC-Centre  Orleans  | La Friche la Belle de Mai Marseille | Fundacion Proa Buenos Aires | Magasin - Centre National d'Art Contemporain Grenoble | Palais de Tokyo Paris | The Town House Gallery - space promoting contemporary Arab arts Cairo | Witte de With, center for contemporary art Rotterdam | Wexner Center for the Arts Columbus | ZKM Center for Arts and Medias Karlsruhe||
Berlin Biennale | Biennale d'Art Contemporain de Lyon | Biennale di Venezia | Biennale of Sydney | Documenta Kassel | Gwangju Biennale South Korea | International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam | Istanbul Kultur ve sanat vakfi: film + tyatro + muzik + Bienal | Lodz Biennale Poland | Sharjah International Biennial UAE | The Biennial of Contemporary African Art Dakar | Liverpool Biennial | Manifesta |
Art / Culture: Institutions & Data Bases 
International Center for Transdisciplinary Research - CIRET | Unesco + World Heritage Center||
Académie de France à Rome - Villa Medicis | Art & Architecture : Courtauld Institute of Art | British Council | Bibliothèque Nationale de France|Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes Mexico (spanish)| | English Heritage | Goethe-Institut | ifa - Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (english-german) | Instituto Cervantes | Koninklijke Bibliotheek National Library of the Netherlands | Library of Congress Washington | MCU Secretaria de Estado de Cultura Madrid (spanish)|| Netherland Architecture Institute|| Odysseus Portal of the Greek Ministry of Culture|| Smithsonian Institution Washington|| Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz |
Archnet community for architects, urban designers and scholars, with a special focus on the Islamic world | ArchINFORM  International Architectural Database |  portal for french architecture sites | Archined the Architecture Site of the Netherlands | RIBA's new portal | Architektur Zentrum Wien with Architecture Archive Autria (german)  | latin american architecture community (spanish) | Art History resources on the web |  art search engine|| The contemporary artists resource|| Ashkal Alwan Lebanese Association of Plastic Arts || Great Buildings architecture catalogue by authors or places|| OOO Dutch Design & Architecture|| ||| World Art Treasures J.E.Berger Foundation's image collection||
ALBA Atelier de Recherche undertakes scientific cooperation, projects and student exchanges with: l'Université François Rabelais Tours  | University of East London|| IFA Institut Français d'Architecture | Patrimoine Sans Frontières |
Art Schools around the World 
Architectural Association Londron | Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture and Planning Preservation New York | Ecole des Beaux-Arts / Institut de Design Saint Etienne | Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs Paris | Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts Paris | ESAG Penninghen Paris | Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Montpellier Agglomération | Kunsthochschule für Medien Cologne |  Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milan | Royal College of Art London | Rhode Island School of Design Providence | Southern California Institute of Architecture Los Angeles||